Conducted Weekend Retreats for Women and Men (Regional Retreats)
On a few weekends throughout the year, SRF monastics lead specially conducted retreats, which are tailored for men and women who are students of the Self-Realization Fellowship Lessons. During these weekends, retreatants take part in a more concentrated retreat program that includes longer periods of meditation, review and practice of the SRF meditation techniques, and classes on various aspects of Paramahansaji’s How-to-Live teachings.
We are pleased to announce that in 2025 we will be having two Conducted Weekend Retreats, May 9-11, 2025 and September 26-28, 2025, both to be held at the 4-H Educational Center in Front Royal, Virginia. The suggested donation for the Conducted Weekend Retreat is $125. Please fill out the form below to make a reservation request indicating which retreat you would like to attend and to indicate if you would like meals.
Be sure to hit the Submit button at the end of the form! We will send a confirmation within a few days. If you do not receive confirmation within a week, please check back with us to be sure your request was received.
2025 Conducted Weekend Retreat Reservation Request
Greenfield Weekend Retreat Schedule