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January 16, 2025

With all the snow and ice and freezing temperatures over the several days, you might well think that all would be quiet at Greenfield. Not so!

Of course, it was quiet on the few days when Greenfield was officially closed and also on days when snow made it impossible to drive down our lane. But once a path was cleared, the usual bustle started up once again. And that includes all the blessedly noisy construction work on our new chapel, which is once again rapidly taking shape.

Onward and Upward

That’s right. Even on the coldest, windiest days over the past week, construction continued. Piles of lumber arrived to be stacked in the snow. Construction workers, bundled to the gills in their winter gear, scampered about out in the open, hammering and sawing and hoisting completed sections of the building into place.

The good news is that the roof trusses on building are going up. The final outline of the building is coming into view—a thing of beauty, exciting to behold.

Once the trusses are complete, completing work on roof comes next. Then the workers will be able to spend at least some of their time working inside, out of the cold, cold wind. (Sounds like motivation to get these next steps done quickly.)

Bottom line is that despite the harsh winter weather of recent days, construction is still on schedule.

Our deep appreciation goes to the workers out there every day on the job. Take a moment to ask Divine Mother to bless and protect the workers as they labor in the cold and wind to build our beautiful new Greenfield Chapel.

To see a video of last week’s progress, click here

And here is a playlist of all construction videos



January 7, 2025

Watching progress on the new Greenfield Chapel last week was almost like watching a time lapse video. It’s happening so fast that it’s fun to watch.

Seems like workers are constantly scurrying about on the construction site. It’s a regular ant hill of constant activity.

Meanwhile, devotees and nuns serving at Greenfield go about our tasks, focusing on whatever form of service we happen to be working on at the time. Each of us tries to work and serve as our revered Guru Paramahansa Yoganandaji taught us—with full attention on the task at hand, while also doing our best to practice the presence.

Surprised by Progress

After working for a while at whatever service we’re at Greenfield to accomplish, we come up for air and look about…or we just happen to walk or drive by the construction site, and…WOW!!! Whoa! Is that a new wall? Already? When did that happen?”

Within a few short days this past week exterior walls have been framed from the lower-level (basement) all the way to the top of the main floor. And workers have also started framing the porch. If weather permits—and in January that’s a pretty big if—the chapel could well be completely framed by the end of January.

After walls and roof are complete, the crew can begin work on the interior. That means things like installing electrical and plumbing fixtures. Of course, that’s not as much fun to watch on time lapse video. It does mean that once workers begin on the interior that weather will not be as much of factor.

We’re still on schedule for the Greenfield Chapel to completed sometime in the fall this year. Keep those prayers coming!

To see a video of last week’s progress, click here

And here is a playlist of all construction videos



December 23, 2024

Suddenly, we’re seeing major progress.  Our new Greenfield Chapel is starting to materialize before our very eyes.

Progress seems to come in spurts. We waited what seemed like a long time for inspections, paperwork, and county approval to happen, while the building site just sat quiet. Waiting.

Then, work crews showed up and the foundation happened, quickly it seemed. Then once again, while lots of workers came and went, scurrying around the building site, we couldn’t see any visible results. That’s simply because the crew was working on things like underground plumbing and waterproofing the foundation. These are, of course, necessary steps, but they don’t look like much to the outside viewer.

Watch This Space

Then, this past week we saw major progress: Work crews completed the concrete floor slab on the lower level. That done, they started framing. Suddenly, in a flurry of hoisting and hammering, the basic structure of the lower level started to take shape.

Over the next couple of months, we should begin to see the building take shape—lower level framing, followed by main level framing of floor and walls.

As of now, construction is still on schedule. Weather permitting, we could very well be enjoying the 2025 All-Day Christmas Meditation in our new chapel.

To enjoy a video of last week’s progress, click here

And here is a playlist of all construction videos

Help  Build Greenfield’s Chapel

This is a good place to acknowledge the loving support of the many devotees who have made building this chapel possible. Thank you for your years of prayers, volunteer work, and financial support.

It’s important to realize that every member of the work crew on this project receives wages. Every load of lumber, cinder blocks, or cement, comes with a cost.

If you are able, and would like to make a donation to Greenfield’s Building Fund, click here.


December 19, 2024

We revere Lord Jesus. His image graces every SRF altar in temples, ashrams, and meditation centers all over the world. Our beloved Guru Paramahansa Yoganandaji’s 2-volume Second Coming of Christ devotes more than 1,000 pages to his life and teachings. Jesus’s picture also graces literally thousands upon thousands of devotees’ home altars.

And—this is really important—Jesus holds a special place in our hearts and minds. Every devotee knows that we strive to manifest the consciousness of Christ in our daily lives.

Christ, Sculpted in Bronze

With Christmas season upon us, it seems appropriate to give some attention to the other construction project currently underway at Greenfield—a sacred meditation garden that pays special homage to our beloved Jesus.

The focal point of this new garden is an original, bronze statue of Jesus Christ blessing a couple of children, also sculpted in bronze.

Created by nationally-renowned sculptor and stone carver Malcolm Harlow, this set of 3 statues was especially commissioned just for Greenfield. It’s one of a kind.

Harlow garnered national recognition as an artist in stone during his many years of work in the National Cathedral in Washington DC. You may well have seen another of his statues. He  sculpted the statue of a George Washington that stands in front of the George Washington Office Museum in Winchester, VA.

Heavy Statues, Heavy Lifting

It should come as no surprise that bronze statues weigh a LOT. Moving these three statues into place required heavy lifting, not to mention a good deal of preliminary work—picking just the right spot in the garden, constructing cement platforms that will permanently anchor the statues in their new home, and some seriously careful maneuvering of the forklift. Harlow was here at Greenfield for some of the action.

The work to create this new meditation garden is already well underway—designing, planning, seeking Master’s guidance in creating the beauty that is to come. So far, only spring bulbs have been planted.  But a good deal of work has already been done to facilitate access to the garden. If you stand behind the garage and look down the hill, you’ll see new gravel paths and a couple of beautiful new wooden bridges.

Feel free to walk down and take a look around.  Do realize, however, that the garden is still a work in progress.

Once benches, custom-tiled by one of our talented SRF members, are installed and plantings are in place and in bloom, this new garden promises to be a very special place for prayer and meditation under the open sky.


November 26, 2024

Construction continues on our Greenfield Chapel. Last week, soggy weather slowed things down, and what did happen was mostly underground and almost invisible.

Workers applied waterproofing to the foundation and installed some of the underground plumbing. Next step after plumbing is inspected will be installing the ground floor slab, which will also need to be inspected.

Devotees will be happy to know that Greenfield has its very own inspector on the job!

Grace the Ashram Cat gives her official nod of approval to at least one piece of construction equipment.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Master’s Greenfield devotees have so much to be thankful for. May your Thanksgiving holiday be filled with light, love, and Divine Mother’s blessings.

Here is the latest construction video.

And here is a playlist of all construction videos.