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New Chapel Rising

January 7, 2025

Watching progress on the new Greenfield Chapel last week was almost like watching a time lapse video. It’s happening so fast that it’s fun to watch.

Seems like workers are constantly scurrying about on the construction site. It’s a regular ant hill of constant activity.

Meanwhile, devotees and nuns serving at Greenfield go about our tasks, focusing on whatever form of service we happen to be working on at the time. Each of us tries to work and serve as our revered Guru Paramahansa Yoganandaji taught us—with full attention on the task at hand, while also doing our best to practice the presence.

Surprised by Progress

After working for a while at whatever service we’re at Greenfield to accomplish, we come up for air and look about…or we just happen to walk or drive by the construction site, and…WOW!!! Whoa! Is that a new wall? Already? When did that happen?”

Within a few short days this past week exterior walls have been framed from the lower-level (basement) all the way to the top of the main floor. And workers have also started framing the porch. If weather permits—and in January that’s a pretty big if—the chapel could well be completely framed by the end of January.

After walls and roof are complete, the crew can begin work on the interior. That means things like installing electrical and plumbing fixtures. Of course, that’s not as much fun to watch on time lapse video. It does mean that once workers begin on the interior that weather will not be as much of factor.

We’re still on schedule for the Greenfield Chapel to completed sometime in the fall this year. Keep those prayers coming!

To see a video of last week’s progress, click here

And here is a playlist of all construction videos