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Behold, the Greenfield Chapel! (Part 1)

May 22, 2024

Take a careful look at this picture. Right now, if you stand on the back porch of the Greenfield Ashram (the big house) and look directly out, you’re facing a grassy field bordered by woods. Brace yourself for a radical change, coming soon.

If all goes as planned, standing in that exact same spot on the back porch several months from now, you’ll be looking at the north side of our new Greenfield Chapel. The virtual photos in this article are an architect’s rendering of what the chapel will look like on site when it’s completed.

The image above shows what the building will look like as you approach from the driveway. Pause for just a moment to appreciate the simplicity, the way the colonial style building fits in with the landscape and the other buildings already on the grounds. We wanted the chapel to look like it has always been a part of Greenfield. We wanted it to be in harmony with its surroundings. We wanted the chapel to have the sacred, intimate feel of the former, much loved chapel.

That was the charge given to Yale-educated, Front Royal-based architect Frederick Andreae, and he really delivered.

A Virtual Visit to Our Sacred Space

It’s possible that you’ve already seen these virtual photographs. They’ve been on display at a couple of Greenfield events. Whether you’re seeing them for the first time or revisiting these images, let these pictures serve to herald a major step in the coming growth of Greenfield.

The other three pictures provide a glimpse of the new chapel from other vantage points around the building.

Above is the main entrance (west side) and south side.

Above is the south side and east side (back of building).

Above is another view from the back porch of the Greenfield Ashram, showing the east and north sides.

The chapel itself will seat 68 and the building includes additional rooms for social gatherings, a book room and offices. (In Part 2, coming soon, we’ll go into more detail about the interior features of the new building.)

How You Can Help

It needs to be said that a tremendous amount of work and visioning has gone into creating this chapel. Decades of dedication and volunteer effort preceded this major step. And a great deal of work lies ahead.

What can you do to help this Greenfield journey move forward?

  • Offer your prayers. Pray for the safety and efficiency of the workers constructing the building.
  • Bless the new chapel. As you’re likely aware, the vibrations from devotional services, prayer, and meditation create an ever-increasing sacred environment. Sending your good thoughts and blessings to that future chapel will help carry that process forward.
  • Think about volunteering. Once the chapel is functioning, additional volunteer help will be very much needed and appreciated. (More to come on this topic in later Greenfield Journey entries.)
  • Donate to the Greenfield Building fund. If you are able, your financial contributions are greatly appreciated. The on-going generosity of devotees helps spread the light of SRF. Please see the Donations page.