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Growing Back the Green

May 15, 2024

The color of Greenfield? Green, of course. You drive into Greenfield thru a green-walled lane that opens onto green lawns dotted with colorful flower gardens. The environment—and the well-placed benches—induce calmness and invite meditation.

That’s why it was shocking to behold the recent construction chaos that turned the entranceway into a muddy, ditch-like miasma. Expect that to change, and soon. Just last week, work crews finished tamping down the newly contoured areas on each side of the driveway and planted grass.

With the newly planted grass covered with a protective layer of straw, the scene is still mostly brown. And way off to the left as you enter, there’s one area that looks like it’s been covered with cheap wall-to-wall carpet. The grass seed on that steep slope had to be embedded in fabric to prevent it from washing away in the rain.

In the coming days, the areas on either side of the entranceway will turn back into beautiful green lawn. And what looks like cheap carpet will thankfully disappear.

Paving Comes Next

The new guard-rails and curbs are now in place. However, work on the entranceway is not quite done. The first 30 to 40 feet of the entry lane still need to be paved. That’s to be done in two steps. Step One is scheduled for just a couple of weeks from now, weather permitting.

Final paving, however, will not be done until AFTER construction on the Greenfield Chapel is complete. There’s a really good reason to put off taking that final step: Building the chapel will entail a good deal of traffic up and down that lane. We anticipate regular delivery of building materials, work crews coming and going, not to mention all the heavy machinery needed to get the job done.

If you would like to contribute to the Greenfield Building Fund, go to the Donations page.