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We’ve Been Electrified

May 7, 2024

It’s simple. You flip the switch, the lights come on.

But when you’re putting a brand new building on a brand new site, it takes a team doing a whole lot of work to make that happen. This past Friday, May 3, the soon-to-be-built Greenfield Chapel got the attention it needed to turn on the lights and the refrigerator and the air conditioning and… You get the picture. We’ve been electrified.

Workers put in underground conduits and cables. They installed a second transformer to the property just to handle the extra electric load that the new chapel will require. And as an added bonus, they took down one power pole close to the big house and moved unsightly overhead wires underground.

We’ve just moved one step closer to work starting on the chapel itself. The only thing holding that up is Warren County approval of an engineering report on how water drainage will be handled around the chapel site. That could happen within the next couple of weeks.

If you would like to contribute to the Greenfield Building Fund, go to the Donations page.